Understanding that Human Resources is the most important asset of any co. VIVEKANANDA HOSPITAL continuously works on the development of this asset.
V.H.R.I creates an environment encouraging development of people in order to help them to be to be highly motivated, proficient & proactive in their respective areas by bringing in advanced HR management concepts such as balanced score card, KPI etc. Every team & employee has updated business & competency targets & services timely feedback on performances against their targets. The HR management focuses on personal career development, which encourages people to reflect on their own experiences of being mentored or of mentoring others.
V.H.R.I attracts many professionals & experienced personnel in the area of their research & development, QC, marketing, finance & administration.
We, VIVEKANANDA HOSPITAL emphasis and carry out regular training pertaining to the job responsibilities , leadership ,personality development.
Contact us at: vivekanandahospitalbehala@gmail.com // 9432334305 // 9836596681(WhatsApp)